Weekly News

School Bulletin

May 28, 2024

Dear Jefferson Academy Elementary Community,

As the school year comes to a close, I want to take a moment to reflect on what a fantastic first year it has been for me as the Principal of Jefferson Academy Elementary. It has been an honor to lead such a wonderful school filled with dedicated students, supportive parents, and talented staff members.

Throughout this year, we have built great connections within our school community. From collaborative projects in the classrooms to exciting field trips that were not only educational but also engaging, our students have had the opportunity to learn and grow in unique ways.

The award ceremonies and assemblies we held were not only fun but also served as a way to recognize the hard work and achievements of our students. It's always a pleasure to see our students shine and be celebrated for their accomplishments.

Looking ahead, student class placement will be available on August 1st, aligning with the scheduling practices of the secondary school. This will ensure a smooth transition for our students as they move up to the next level of their education.  Our custodial staff will be working hard to clean the school, and we will be adding HVAC units onto the 2-story building.

As we wrap up this school year, I cannot contain my excitement for the next academic year. We are looking forward to welcoming back our returning students and meeting new faces at the "Meet and Greet" on August 12th, 2024. It promises to be a wonderful opportunity for us to reconnect and continue fostering a positive and supportive learning environment.

Thank you for your continued support throughout this year, and I am excited to embark on another year of growth, learning, and success with all of you.

Warm regards,

Brendon Feddema
Jefferson Academy Elementary

Enrollment for 2024-2025 school year - If your student(s) are not returning to JA and you have not notified the office yet, please call the office, 303-438-1011 (even if it’s over the summer). 

Pre-K Enrollment - We are continuing to enroll for Pre-K for the 2024-2025 school year.  If you are interested in enrolling your child in Pre-K at JA, please complete this form.  

School Supplies - If you pre-ordered your school supplies online with 1st Day School Supplies, these will be delivered to the school and taken to your student’s classroom prior to the start of school.  Otherwise, the list of school supplies may be found on our website (link). 

Our 2024-2025 School calendar may be found on the main page of our website (link). 

Meet and Greet - Monday, August 12 from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Families may choose the timeframe that works best. Students along with their parent(s)/guardian(s) are to attend.  This day is counted as a student contact day and attendance is taken. 

Have a wonderful & safe summer break!

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